Blockdown Quilt – Part 37
January 24, 2022Another chilly week her that has been perfect to push on with a lot of customer quilting. I haven’t managed a lot of sewing though. Cold hands and accurate sewing don’t really get along. I have however found some time to work on a new design for a show quilt. I am hoping to have a second longarm very soon which will mean I can have 2 quilts loaded at them same time, which in turn makes it easier to slot in some of my own work. I don’t feel I can block the machine with a long project at the expense of my customers and now that will be much less of an issue. Well, OK not now exactly but soon hopefully. As things open up I am also getting to meet more of my local quilters. It is an area that I think has a lot of crafty people in so as we get to mix more I am looking forward to meeting a lot of interesting people.
This week we are working on 3″ blocks again, and a partner theme to an earlier one. The theme this week is written in my notes as “four or fewer” while I know what I was thinking, and I could add more words to make that clear I have decided to just leave it that vague so people has some scope to play with it and find other interpretations. Believe me there are a LOT of fun interpretations that come up on a Tuesday afternoon.
- For the small quilt you will need 7 blocks and they will be orange positions 31-37
- For the medium quilt you will need 12 blocks and they will be orange positions 31-37 and 65-69
- For the large quilt you will need 16 blocks and they will be orange positions 31-37, 65-69 and 119-123
This will bring us very close to finishing our 3″ blocks so make the most of any left over ideas you have.