Blockdown Quilt – Part 33
December 13, 2021First thing (yup before I forget) I will be skipping the next 2 weeks. Either so you have a chance to catch up, or so you don’t need to think about new designs over the festive season. Take you pick for the reason. It means our next section will be next year. Weird how fast that has come around. I did wonder if I was crazy starting another of these quilts, but it seems Covid is far from done with us so yes a project to keep us thinking is a very good thing. I do still wander around thinking of possible blocks and design tricks for this quilt. I will be hoping to use the 2 weeks off to progress some of these blocks. Although I also want to work on a mystery quilt and a couple of art quilts and the double wedding ring and a couple of customer quilts and do some baking and ……. yeah there might be a bit too much to fit in. I will see what I am able to get done. Fingers crossed I don’t react to the booster, I can’t spare the time.
This weeks blocks are quite light hearted depending on how difficult you want to make things. The blocks will be 3″ and the theme is squares. I am tempted to make mine a little tricky but I am also planning ways to production line that.
- For the small quilt you will need 6 blocks and they will be orange positions 12 and 43-47
- For the medium quilt you will need 13 blocks and they will be orange positions 12, 43-47, 56-57, and 60-62
- For the large quilt you will need 15 blocks and they will be orange positions 12, 43-47, 56-57, 60-62 and 104-105