Blockdown Quilt – Part 24
October 4, 2021I hope this week has been boring for you all. It seems that may now be the measure of a successful week. We managed to get fuel, well enough, it is rationed around here when there is some. Our excitement was the boiler failing, it needs a new pump and the sewage system faulting again, it also needs a new pump. We are now waiting for various people to show up with the respective pumps and working out ways to keep warmish. I guess it is all good practice if we do end up with a disrupted winter. It has shown up that my longarm room gets very cold without it’s underfloor heating. I have been told by a few people underfloor heating doesn’t do much, oh boy are they wrong. I can really tell its not there, and the floor is SO cold. I guess that is at least in part the contrast, and in part that underfloor heating is probably actively cooling when off. The upside of this is it forces me to do some sit down sewing. I have lots I need or want to do, so I won’t be bored, and now having the iron on is nice.
This week we are making 9″ blocks and the theme is uneven. In some ways this is the opposite of most quilts and blocks, but there are a surprising number that are in some way wonky or unbalanced and if there was ever a quilt for those this is it. As we are making a quilt with a more random layout I feel these are ideal for this. I think I may have a go at designing at least one of my own. Maybe with some kind of uneven grid at its core.
- For the small quilt you will need 1 block and it will be position blue 3
- For the medium quilt you will need 3 blocks and they will be positions blue 3, 17 and 22
- For the large quilt you will need 3 blocks and they will be positions blue 3, 17 and 22