Monday Myster Solo Robin

March 22, 2021

Unless someone tells me otherwise, this is the last week of this quilt series. It feels an appropriate time to end as tomorrow is the anniversary of the first lockdown in the UK which started this. I thought I would post something for quilters to think about every week while in lockdown. When the lockdown did eventually end (it did take longer than I expected) I was pretty sure we weren’t in the clear and felt I should carry on, besides we were having fun. Here we are a year later, I have just had my first dose of the vaccine, and we have run through all the cards bar one. We are still in a lockdown, Europe is in the midst of a third wave, so I feel we still need a healthy distraction. Who knows this may become a long term legacy, a weekly quilt challenge. I feel we are due some healthy long term outcomes. Next week I will be taking the week off.  Then there will be a special design class for those who joined me in this challenge. On the 12th April we will start the next challenge. It will be one quilt that we work on block by block during the year.  It could be thought of as a modern style sampler with an irregular layout, but depending on fabric choices and the designs of the blocks you may end up with a quite traditional effect. for a one off payment of £50 you can have my layout chart and join the Tuesday discussion groups, alternatively you can follow along for free again and design your own layout for the quilt. Really my goal is the same, I want people to have something creative to think about and a reason to keep crafting. This quilt has taken a lot more work to put together but I an really pleased with how it has worked out. Unlike this last quilt I am planning for it to have scope for me to take a week off here ant there. I have split the quilt into 46 parts rather than 52. For those working with my design we will have at least one session on assembly at the end of the year. If we are able I would also like to have a discussion on quilting the quilt at the end of the year, though that will depend a lot on how people get on with the project and of course other circumstances. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments or drop me an email.

Back to this week, what is our last design challenge,

Pieced Squares

I can hear the sighs already. I hope people will consider what that actually says and play accordingly. Yes, vague yet unhelpful, what can I say I am feeling playful. How much bigger will this last quilt be getting then,

Add a total of 12″ to two opposite sides of your quilt.

Hmm, well that is more than I was expecting. Honestly I had a great plan for 3″ ho hum. I suppose this is probably more proportional though. That gives us a nice space for pieced squares. Have fun, and I hope you have enjoyed this last year and will join me again for the next project.


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