Monday Mystery Solo Robin

March 1, 2021

I am loving this early spring, I am worried what it will do for my harvest this year but the bright cool days are wonderful. We have managed to do some work in the garden including putting down grass stabilising mats in the swampy bits and planting the rest of the hedgerow for this year. My top excitement this week though was putting washing out on the line to dry. That is not something I expect to be able to be able to do that early in the year.  OK maybe not exciting to most people, but it was to me, it feels somehow illicit being able to dry things for free at the wrong time of the year.

We are now getting very close to running out of techniques, it makes the cards MUCH harder to pick they stick together now. I have managed to extract one, no help from the supervisor feline. This week we will be working on,

House and Home

This is one I would have liked much earlier in the quilt. I really fancied a line or maybe even a ring of houses. At this point I think one border would be enough. I just love all the quilts with rings (squares) of houses. Let us see what the cards think about how many borders we need.

Add a total of 6″ to two opposite sides of your quilt

Hmmm, OK better than all around but quite tight for some of the ideas I have. I have never made the traditional house blocks and I am not sure that is enough space to now. I guess I can look into it.

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