
September 8, 2020

I don’t go out much. I mean really really not much.  So I am not terribly aware of how things work anymore. I know we need masks, and I am making myself more at the moment, but that’s about it. I know that a lot of places had closed but I was under the impression that most stuff was now open again. Certainly post offices and postal depots I assumed were. Turns out that was a terrible assumption. I needed to post a quilt today so having bought postage online the website tells me the closest place that can accept it is the depot because I want it tracked. That was fine by me. I know the parking is free, no interacting with a ticket machine. They had social distancing last time i was there which was quite some time ago and they always had screen. It sounds a fairly safe drop off to me. What I didn’t allow for is the are barely open.  Today was 8am to 10 am, I arrived at 10.20. Tomorrow they are closed all day. I have my next chance Thursday morning. I am sure there are less people coming to collect packages, but I would think there are more people posting so is it really wise to put all your customers in such a small time slot. I guess I may be wrong and Thursday I can find out.

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