What can I say such a boring day.

July 11, 2020

I am feeling guilty for not blogging, and waiting for the icing on some biscuits to set so here I am. Today has been horribly domestic but I suppose good exercise I think I was up and moving all day. I wish I had had my pedometer on. Cleaning happened, and a lot of cooking. We have blackcurrent icecream in the freezer, a quiche in the fridge and lemon biscuits with their icing setting. So it’s been productive, and I have used up a lot of things that were about to go out of date. On the other hand my nice quiet sewing day and long leisurely bath didn’t quite happen.

Friday I did finally finish the breeding blocks. I even got one of the two rows onto the quilt. I have decided on the outer border too. I think I mentioned I don’t really have enough of fabrics I would have chosen, but I have a piece that is close enough and I think big enough. It is just as well nothing I could come up with from the bits seemed right with the rest of the quilt. I really liked some of the ideas, just not with the blocks. Unless anything crazy happesn I should be able to finally finish it tommow and add it to the quilting pile, thus clearing one of my project boxes. If I know anything about me it won’t be empty long.

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