Some fun notebooks

July 2, 2020

I love notebooks. I mean really really love them. I do most of my planning in notebooks and there is nothing better than a new one. It seems the internet has noticed this little issue I have and one day directed me to a review of the best 5 notebooks. Well I can’t not read an article like that. It turned out I already use two of the ones they covered, but I had not see their top choice before. Grids and guides.


They had me at the name, the rest of the review was just gravy. They reviewed the one with the beige cover but when I went searching for them I found a black cover, which of course I needed. I wasn’t sure if they had the same content and pages so I took a chance and bought both. I am really glad I did, and I suspect at some point I will buy the red and blue covers too. The wrapper is a clue, the beige has colour information pages and the black has black and white illustrations. They also have slightly differnt pages.

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These are the grids in the beige covered book. I think these have a lot of potential for playing with quilt designs. I tend to use gridded paper anyway but I love having this variety of grids.they offer so many options and I think having the prompt to think beyond the normal squares will be a big bonus for me. I also love the slightly random information pages. Useful, I don’t know, fun and good for the mind absolutely. It feels a bit like someone has used pages from an encyclopedia as book marks and you just stumble upon them. I really like them.

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These are the pages for the notebook with the black cover. I guess I will use the page that has the table for cutting information, the other pages have fun design options again. I am especially pleased with the circular grid. That is one of the most time consuming to draw and least likely to find in a notebook. I have so many ideas now. The irregular grids make me think of tartan and optical illusions. The isometeric will be great for hexagon style things, oh like say my next Monday quilt.

All in all I am very pleased with these notebooks. The paper feels nice. It’s not the thickest I have but it is pretty good. I will report back if I have any issues with bleeding. As I said I think I will at some point buy the others in the range just to get the whole set of page layouts. The way they stimulate my imagination makes them very good value for me. I think they would also be good just for colouring or doodling. I am sorry if I have just led you astray too, but this was just too fun to keep to myself.

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