Monday mystery solo robin
October 12, 2020Well that was hectic. Seems everyone wanted to deliver today and deliver early. The meat is frozen the drinks are quarantined and the dog has been walked. All the animals are fed I can finally start work. I seem to be finally getting the art of working Monday to Friday and taking the weekend off. It has taken me a very long time to get to that point. I can’t claim to be perfect at it yet and sometimes work has to happen at the weekend, but I think I am making progress and I hope it is a healthier way of living. This weekend involved a lot of social activity, mostly online but a little outdoors. I have a feeling we are coming to the end of even outdoor meetings for a while so we made sure shopping transfers were done. Several of us have discovered different areas are keeping stocks of different goods and working together we can get most things. As I have space I get used as a drop point. It saves too many people having contact and I can quarantine everything where even I don’t touch it. I still hope others will form these little teams to do similar. It doesn’t just make our lives easier, it’s fun and sociable, in an odd remote sort of way. We are also playing more board games now than ever. With multiple groups of people who want to play we have a reason to make time. Finding a web site with a lot of the games we like has really helped.
Anyway, you are probably here to catch up with the Monday challenge so let’s find out what is in store for us this week. Our technique is,
I know that when I wrote this I was thinking of designs added in thread, but I have to admit when I saw it today my first thought was the spools quilt block. Which rapidly started changing to make all the different thread holders I have seen. I am finding it interesting how often what I think of initially is nothing like what I think when I see the same prompt again. I like that, I think it suggests there is more scope to play and that is absolutely what I was looking for. Our size for this week is,
Add 7″ to one side of your quilt
That’s really nice. That would give me scope to make the blocks or to do some really fancy stitching. At the same time I only need one panel of it. Yup, very very happy with this weeks challenge. Now I need to get to some customer work and leave you all to think on this.
Turning one whole border into a quilt label with some fancy embroidered lettering springs to mind – and is quite exciting – to me anyway
I really like that idea, that would work great